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Learning to make sprites
I was looking through the contents of the cassette that came with the ... Read More!Amstrad 3.5" Floppy drive - DSK to Disc
So you've got the floppy drive all powered and plugged in, but got no Amstrad CPC software on 3.5" d... Read More!Connecting a 3.5" floppy drive to an Amstrad 464 without modifying the drive or DDI-1
Quite some time ago I bought a DDI-1 interface to use with my amstrad 464's. Just the interface with... Read More!Schneider (Amstrad) CPC 664 surprise
As a collector of Amstrad machines, the holy grail to me is the Amstrad CPC 664. Only manufactured f... Read More!Yet more Amstrads added to the collection - ALT-386sx and PCW8256
If you haven't guessed already, I like my Amstrad computers. Purely because of nostalgia and curiosi... Read More!
Buy Amstrad CPC ControllersCreated on: 05-03-2020 By Gee |
Just a quick post here as, in Jan Beta's latest video, he has advertised the controllers (£25+p&p) that I designed and made for the Amstrad CPC.
If you're looking for one of these, Send me a message via twitter or use the contact page and i'll get back to you. These controllers take a while to make so I'll let you know if there's a delay to making them or not.... Read More! |
Amstrad Controller STL filesCreated on: 22-04-2019 By Gee |
I mentioned a while back that I was going to share the STL files so you can make the Amstrad controllers at home (if you have a 3d printer). So here they are!
I wanted to make sure I had the correct files as I had made several versions. This was due to testing several things then forgetting to write down which ones were the ones that worked best. These files MUST NOT be used for making and selling the controllers under any circumstances. The designs are all my own work and belong to me. I am releasing them in good will to help the Amstrad community make their own controllers as they helped me and continue to do so with several things.... Read More! |
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Amstrad Splitter Cable PCBsCreated on: 17-04-2019 By Gee |
Ever since I realised that I could use 2 controllers or joysticks on the Amstrad CPC series, I had to try make some splitters.
A couple of weeks ago I drew up the schematics and then the PCB layout on CAD. Once I was happy with them I had the same company that produced my Controller PCBs make them. Yesterday I took delivery of them and, they look great. Exactly what I was after, if not better! Last night, when the little one was finally in bed, I set about soldering up the ports, diodes and the connecting cable that goes to the CPC. I soldered up one side and noticed that I was getting some odd results. The only button that was working when using the splitter was the fire 1 button. Then I found out that If I held down t... Read More! |
Amstrad ControllerCreated on: 16-04-2019 By Gee |
After using my completed controller, I realised pretty soon that it wasn't very comfortable to use.
It worked great, but not very ergonomic. Now rather than redesign the whole thing, I made a surround for it to fall into. I drew it up pretty quick and then printed out a draft to see where I had made any errors. Thankfully, the errors I did make were quite simple and easy to fix. So I set about making another one with the corrections. After this was all done, I had a great controller! Even if I do say so myself. I realise that it's a bit small, but it works well and is super easy to use. The first night after it was all put together, the wife sat and had a game of Tetris with me. I'm looking forward to sitting chi... Read More! |
First complete ControllerCreated on: 08-04-2019 By Gee |
I've not had as much time as i'd like to play about with making this controller, but I finally managed to squeeze in getting the case made. I made the buttons a bit bigger so that it feels a bit more comfortable and a bit more natural. They're now 10mm instead of 8. I'm not sure why I went with 8mm to begin with. There must've been some reason for it.
After posting in a facebook group asking for thoughts on the original case, I had a comment that I should think about changing the colour of the buttons. Maybe one green and one blue. I agreed that the grey for everything was a bit dull and I ordered some blue fillament for the printer. When the filament arrived I changed it over from the grey and set about printing my controller... Read More! |
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