CPC464 blue power LED

Created on: 27-01-2019  By Gee
This modification is one that was done just for the hell of it. I have so many LED's for creating my Ben Eater computer, and I'm not that far on with it yet as I've been doing other things like making this website.
I hope to get a bit more of it done in the coming months and document it on here.
Anyway! I digress again.

I opened up the CPC464 that I have for modding and took the keyboard out to get access to the power LED circuit. After de-soldering the old LED, I simply put in a blue one from my packet and made it fit as far down onto the pcb as I could, as it was a slight bit bigger than the original.
It was a tight fit, but it all went back together fine, and I now have a blue power light on my second 464.

The only issue with this LED is the fact that it's so bright. Don't look straight at it or your eyes will burn!
No not really, but you can see from the pictures that it's pretty bright. I might need to replace the resistor with a higher capacity one to dull it down a bit.