Oh another cpc464

Created on: 31-12-2018  By Gee
A while back I found and bought another cpc464 on eBay that was needing some TLC whilst I was looking for a machine for modifying. One that I wouldn't feel bad about drilling holes into the case for an audio input jack.
The buttons for the cassette deck are broken and will need replacing. I'd like to make the buttons myself, but I'm not sure what to make them out of yet. Or how to make them.
I was very close to buying a German amstrad (not Schneider) that was close by but decided against buying yet another 464 just for the sake of it. If I do get a German one, it'll be a Schneider one as I believe there are some pin layouts that are slightly different somewhere (in the 6128 the disk drive ribbon is the change I think, but I'll need to research that more).
Looking forward to getting the audio input soldered in to my latest 464. I'll be able to load all the software I like with the app on my tablet that runs the cassette files.
I'll update with more once I have my audio input working.